Python Basic
If you have already learned other programming languages, this article is for you.
5 min readAug 21, 2021
In this article
- Input Output
- Data Types
- Comments
- Variables
- Concatenation
- f String
- Arithmetic Operators
- Logical Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Conditional Statement (If , If else, If elif else)
- Looping (for, while)
- Function
Related Articles
print("Hello World")
Input and Output
name = input('Type your name: ')
Data Types
- str (string)
- int (integer)
- float (float)
- bool (boolean)
- list(array ➜ multiple values with multiple datatype)
- tuple(array ➜ multiple values with same datatype)
- dict(dictionary ➜ multiple values with key values)
# string(text)
print("My Name is John")# integer(number)
print(899)# float(decimal)
print(99.432577834)# boolean(True or False)
print(False)# list(multiple values with multiple datatype)
print(['hello', 1, False])# tuple(multiple values with same datatype)
print(('orange', 'pink', 'red'))# dict(multiple values with key values)
print({'name':'Sophia', 'gender':'female', 'age':20, 'graduated': False, 'favourite_color': ('orange', 'pink', 'red')})
You can use comments when you want to give some instructions to other programmers. They will not print out.
# this is comment
name = "Sophia"
graduated = False
age = 20# different data types
new_list = ['hello', 1, False]# different data types
new_tuple = ('orange', 'pink', 'red')# dict data type
new_dict = {'name':'Sophia', 'gender':'female', 'age':20, 'graduated': False, 'favourite_color': ('orange', 'pink', 'red')}print(name)
Print the value in a list one by one
new_list = ['hello', 1, False]print(new_list[0])
Print the value in a tuple one by one
new_tuple = ('orange', 'pink', 'red')print(new_tuple[0])
Print the values in a dictionary(dict) by key
new_dict = {'name':'Sophia', 'gender':'female', 'age':20, 'graduated': False, 'favourite_color': ('orange', 'pink', 'red')}print(new_dict['name'])
name = "Sophia"
favourite_food = "dampling"
favourite_color = "red"print("Name is "+ name + ". Favourite food is " + favourite_food + " and favorite color is " + favourite_color + ".")
+ operator do not work for different data types. For Example:
name = "Sophia"
graduated = False
age = 20print("Name is "+ name + ", graduated is " + graduated + ", age is " + age)
f String (f”string”)
name = "Sophia"
graduated = False
age = 20
print(f"Name is {name}, graduated is {graduated}, age is {age}")
Arithmetic Operators ( +, -, * , **, /, //, %)
a = 2
b = 5print(f"a + b is {a + b}")
print(f"a - b is {b - a}")
print(f"a * b is {a * b}")
print(f"a ** b is {b ** a}")
print(f"a / b is {b / a}")
print(f"a // b is {b // a}")
print(f"a % b is {b % a}")
Comparison Operators ( ==, !=, >, <, >= , <= )
a = 20
b = 20
c = 40
print(f"a equal to b is {a == b}")
print(f"a not equal to b is {a != b}")
print(f"a greater than b is {a > c}")
print(f"a smaller than b is {a < c}")
print(f"a greater than or equal b is {a >= b}")
print(f"a smaller than or equal b b is {a <= c}")
Logical operators (and or not)
a = 20
b = 20
c = 40
print(f"a and b both equal to 20 is {a and b == 20}")
print(f"a or b equal to 40 is {a or c == 40}")
print(f"a is not equal to 30 is {not a == 30}")
x = True
y = True
z = False
print(f"True and True is {x and y}")
print(f"True and False is {x and z}")
print(f"True or True is {x or y}")
print(f"True or False is {x or z}")
print(f"not True is {not x}")
print(f"not False is {not z}")
Assignment Operators (+=, -=, *=, /=)
a += 2
print(f"a = a + 2 and the value a is {a}")
a -= 2
print(f"a = a - 2 and the value a is {a}")
a *= 2
print(f"a = a * 2 and the value a is {a}")
a /= 4
print(f"a = a / 2 and the value a is {a}")
Conditional Statements
if Statement
if True:
print("Print This")
if else Statement
if True:
print("Print this if true")
print("Print this if false")
if elif else Statement
name = 'Sophia'
password = 'PaSSword'
if name == 'Sophia' and password == 'PaSSword':
print("Successfully Login")
elif name != 'Sophia':
print("Username is not correct")
elif password != 'PaSSword':
print("Password is not correct")
print("Please Login again")
For loop
colors = ('orange', 'pink', 'red')for color in colors:
colors = ('orange', 'pink', 'red')
for color in range(len(colors)):
for num in range(0, 5):
While loop
a = 0
while a < 5:
a += 1
def write():